Dear Community Member. 

Is your home or place of work susceptible to damage from natural hazards? Do you want to recover more quickly from disasters and prevent future damage from these types of events? Your participation in this survey can help the City of Temecula become safer. We know you are busy and your time is precious; we are respectfully requesting a few moments of your time to respond to the brief survey below. 

The City of Temecula is conducting a local effort to prepare and update the Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP). This plan identifies the natural hazards throughout the city and presents an assessment of a critical facilities vulnerable to these hazards. This plan lists potential actions to reduce risk and future damage. 

Your response to this survey will inform preparation of the plan. Thank you for your time and cooperation. 

Question Title

* 1. Are you aware that the City of Temecula has a Local Hazard Mitigation Plan?

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* 2. Please indicate whether you live or work in the City of Temecula 

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* 3. What would make you lose confidence in the City's ability to protect you and your community from hazards?

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
Non-disclosure of the hazards in my community
Poor planning and response to an emergency or disaster
Lack of follow-up in implementing and carrying out mitigation projects
No early alert and warning notifications during an emergency or disaster 
Too many alert and warning notifications regarding an emergency or disaster

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* 4. What is the Zip Code of your home?


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* 5. The following hazards could potentially impact the City. Please mark THREE (3) hazards that are of most concern to your neighborhood or home?

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* 6. Please select the hazard you think is the HIGHEST threat to your neighborhood?

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* 7. Please select the hazard you think is the SECOND HIGHEST threat to your neighborhood?

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* 8. Have you been impacted by a disaster in your current residece?

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* 9. If you answered YES to the previous question, please select the type(s) of disaster(s) that you have been impacted by (select all that apply).

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* 10. The planning team is using various data sources to identify hazards in our community; however, some of these data sources do not provide data at a general citywide level. 

Are there any small-scale issues, such as ponding at a certain intersection during rain, that you would like the planning team to consider?


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* 11. A number of community-wide activities can reduce our risk from hazards. In general, these activities fall into one of the six broad categories. Please tell us how important you think each one is for your community to consider pursuing:

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* 12. If you are a homeowner, do you have adequate homeowner's insurance to cover the hazards that could impact your home? 

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* 13. If you rent your residence, do you have renter's insurance? 

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* 14. Do you have flood insurance for your home?

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* 15. Do you have earthquake insurance for your home?

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* 16. Do you have fire insurance for your home?

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* 17. Have you done anything to your home to make it less vulnerable to hazards such as floods, earthquakes, and fires?


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If a severe hazard event occurred today such that all services were cut off from your home (power, gas, water, sewer) and you were unable to leave or access a store for 72 hours, which of these items do you have readily available?

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* 19. If a severe hazard event occurred today such that all services were cut off from your home (power, gas, water, sewer) and you were unable to leave or access a store for 72 hours, which of these items do you have readily available?

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* 20. Are you familiar with the special needs of your neighbors in the event of a disaster situation (special needs may include limited mobility, severe medical conditions, memory impairments)? 

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* 21. Are you a member of your Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), the Temecula Citizen Corps?

For more information on CERT or the TCC, please visit:

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* 22. How can the City help you become better prepared for a disaster? (choose all that apply)