This year's awards process includes a new, simplified nomination form!

Professional License: Not Required
Fee: Free
  • Nominate yourself or someone else.
  • The award is a one-time honor; therefore, previous award recipients are not eligible. Click here to view past award winners.
  • Members of the Architecture + Design Alumni Association board of directors and the awards jury are not eligible for consideration.
  • The nominee must hold a University of Houston System earned degree or have completed at least twelve semester hours at UH.
  • The nominee must be distinguished in their business, profession, work, or another worthy endeavor.
  • The nominee must be a person of such integrity, stature, and demonstrated ability that the award will reflect honor on the University of Houston and create a sense of pride among members of the University community.
  • The nominee must have demonstrated a continuing interest in the University of Houston.

    The deadline for nominations is June 28, 2024, at 5:00 pm CST.

    Question Title

    * 1. Nominator's First and Last Name

    Question Title

    * 2. Nominator's Email Address

    Question Title

    * 3. Nominee's First and Last Name

    Question Title

    * 4. Nominee's Email Address

    Question Title

    * 5. Nominee's Graduation Year(s)

    Question Title

    * 6. Nominee's Graduation UH Degree(s)

    Question Title

    * 7. I wish for the nominee to be considered for the following award(s):

    Question Title

    * 8. Please share the nominee's biography or highlights of their professional career. (300 words or less)

    Question Title

    * 9. Please share why you believe this alum should receive one of the alumni award(s) you indicated above. (300 words or less)

    Question Title

    * 10. Please upload an OPTIONAL letter of support #1 (file size limited to 16 MB).

    PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
    Choose File

    Question Title

    * 11. Please upload an OPTIONAL letter of support #2 (file size limited to 16 MB).

    PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
    Choose File

    Question Title

    * 12. Please upload OPTIONAL relevant content to support your nomination - narrative, articles, images, etc. (file size is limited to 16 MB; maximum 10 pages)

    PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
    Choose File
