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This learning collaborative is designed to assist health centers that anticipate conducting a capital project during the next one to three years and are considering the benefits of the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Health Center Facility Loan Guarantee Program (LGP).  

With the first session tentatively scheduled for October 20th, through a series of four interactive learning sessions conducted between October and December 2022, the HRSA LGP Learning Collaborative will provide participating health centers with guidance and tips on all key elements and requirements for submitting a HRSA LGP application. The application review, approval, and loan closing process will be addressed along with key steps for successful capital project planning. Resources that are both publicly available and Capital Link-developed will be provided throughout the collaborative.

The LGP Learning Collaborative has two primary components: one is group learning through a series of four webinars tentatively scheduled during October and November 2022, and the other is individualized planning services from Capital Link consultants available to all participating health centers. 

There is no fee for this Learning Collaborative as it is funded by HRSA through its cooperative agreement with Capital Link.  

Please complete registration and submit by October 12, 2022. 

Question Title

1. Health Center Name

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2. Health Center State

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3. Name of Person Submitting This Registration

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4. Email Address of Person Submitting Registration?

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5. Eligibility.  Please review and check the boxes in agreement with the terms of eligibility.

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6. Name and email of intended health center participating representatives - 2 to 3 representatives are recommended.

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7. Expectations - On a scale of 1 to 5 (with 5 being extremely prepared), how prepared do you feel your organization is to undergo a capital or service expansion project at this time?

  1 - Not Very Prepared 2 - Somewhat Prepared 3 - Adequately Prepared in Some Aspects 4 - Relatively Well Prepared 5 - Well Prepared and Experienced
Organizational preparedness for capital project and/or service expansion?

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8. Project Location - if known (street address, city, and/or zip code)

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9. Project Timeline - if known

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10. Project Budget - if known

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11. General Experience and Expectations

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