Question Title

* 1. The Health and Social Care Partnership LGBT+ Network has asked has asked Sleeping Giants, a local social enterprise, to engage with LGBT+ staff members to find out about their experiences of working in the NHS.

By LGBT+ we mean anyone who identifies as:
  • lesbian
  • gay
  • bisexual
  • transgender
  • non-binary
  • queer
  • intersex
  • any other minority sexual orientation or
  • anyone whose gender identity is not based on the traditional gender binary or male and female
What you tell us will be used to increase the organisation’s understanding of the experiences of LGBT+ staff members within our workforce and identify opportunities for change. It will also inform the Staff Equality Networks.

To help us do this, we’d like to hear from LGBT+ people who work for:
  • NHS Dumfries and Galloway OR
  • D&G Council as part of the Health & Social Care Partnership (e.g. Social Work Teams, Home Teams, strategic planning or public health)
It'll take around 15 to 20 minutes to complete the survey, depending on how much detail you want to give in your answers. Please complete it as fully as you can. You don't have to answer a question if you don't want to but the more information you provide, the better understanding we will have of what it’s like to work in the NHS and wider partnership teams. If you end the survey without answering all the questions, we will use the information you have provided unless you tell us not to. The survey will be open till May 31st.

If you would like to answer the questions in more than one sitting, you can leave the survey open on your device. However, there is less chance of you losing your answers if you are able to do it at one sitting.

The findings shared from this survey will all be anonymous.
  • We don't ask for your name at any point
  • Only the Sleeping Giants team will see your responses
  • We’ll share a summary of the survey data in a report, presentations at NHS meetings and on a project website
  • We might use some of the things you’ve said in the survey but will remove details (e.g. job title or locality) if keeping these in could identify you
  • We may also edit language if there is any possibility that the way you speak might identify you
Please click here for further information on how your data will be used.

If you have any questions or need any adjustments to take part, please get in touch with us by emailing

4% of survey complete.