Are you interested in Cultural-Competency/Health Literacy as it pertains to the LGBTQ community?

The Long Island Health Collaborative, along with DSRIP performing provider systems (PPSs), are working to create and offer additional Cultural Competency Health Literacy training programs for professionals working with community members in Long Island and Queens.

During the numerous trainings that have occurred since the inaugural CCHL training in November 2016, different topics of interest have been discovered. We are now taking a more detailed look these topics to create supplemental trainings that can be used if an organization finds the topic to be relevant to the community they serve. This survey will be used to gather information to create a comprehensive training on the Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) community.

The purpose of this survey is to help us better understand:

1. The need for this particular training.
2. Topics or themes of interest that are most important to your organization regarding this training. 
3. Available assets to support this training existing throughout the network of community-based organizations in this region.

If you have any questions about this survey, or would like to discuss future plans to host Cultural Competency/Health Literacy training for your organization, please contact:
Pascale Fils-Aime, MPH, MBA: Community Engagement Assistant, Population Health Improvement Program at 631-257-6957 or

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* 1. Please share your contact information with us:

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* 2. What is your preferred pronoun?

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* 3. Do employees of your organization receive training focused on interacting and/or treating members of the LGBTQ community?