General Event Feedback

Question Title

* Please enter your contact information below.

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* Please rank the importance of why you decided to attend the 2022 Medical Real Estate Investment Forum (each of a scale of 1 - 5, 5 being the greatest)

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* How satisfied were you with the 2022 Medical Real Estate Investment Forum

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* How likely are you to recommend Revista's Medical Real Estate Investment Forum to a Friend or Colleague?

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* How likely are you to attend Revista's Medical Real Estate Investment Forum in the Future?

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* Please rate the following session: 2022 National Economic Outlook for Medical Real Estate with Dr. Sam Chandan

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* Please rate the following session: Medical Real Estate Trends & Top Markets

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* Please rate the following session: Capital Markets Executive Discussion

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* Please rate the following session: Today’s Medical Real Estate Valuation, Pricing Trends, & Development

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* Please rate the following session: The Case for Investing in Medical Real Estate

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* Please rate the following session: Construction & Development is Alive & Well

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* Please rate the following session: Medical Real Estate Debt Across Asset Classes

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* Please rate the following session: Supply Chain Costs & Considerations for 2022

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* Please rate the following session: Medical Real Estate Continues to Thrive: Noteworthy Deals from 2021

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* Please rate the following session: Ambulatory Strategies in a Changing Industry

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* Please rate the following Roundtable: Healthcare Design in Today’s Marketplace

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* Please rate the following Roundtable: Life Science as an Investment

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* Please rate the following Roundtable: Alternative Healthcare Assets to Consider in Your Portfolio

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* Please rate the following Roundtable: Utilization & Repurposing of Health System Real Estate Space

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* Please rate the following Roundtable: The Continued Evolution of Telehealth & Digital Innovation

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* Please rate the following Roundtable: Exploring New Market Considerations and Creative Deal Opportunities

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* Please rate your overall satisfaction with the event.

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* Did Revista allow sufficient time for networking?

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* Did your attendance at the event result in a new deal or expanded networking business relationship?

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* The 2022 Medical Real Estate Investment Forum has been held in late winter in a warmer location (usually alternating California/Florida) since 2018. Does this continue to be a preferred timeframe/location for you?

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* If you weren't able to sign up for a demo, would you like to now?

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* Please rate your overall satisfaction with the Loews Hotel.

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* Please rate your overall satisfaction with Revista Staff.

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* What other healthcare events do you attend?

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* Would you like to provide a testimonial about the event that can be used for event marketing purposes?

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* Do you have any suggestions for how we could improve our future events?