Food Logistics Reader Satisfaction Survey

1.What is your title?
2.What are your top three areas of interest in the supply chain?
3.What topics aren’t we covering, but should be?
4.How important is a print magazine to you?
5.Is an e-book a satisfactory substitute for a print magazine?
6.Are we hitting the right balance of full length feature articles and shorter columns and reports?
7.How important is social media (FB, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube) to you as a source for supply chain content? (1 to 3 rank: not very important, I refer to it occasionally, very important)
8.How valuable is the thrice weekly Food Logistics e-newsletter?
9.Are there other elements you’d like to see included in the e-newsletters?
10.What is the overall quality of the Food Logistics websites, particularly from a content perspective?
11.Rate the ease of navigation of our websites
12.With regards to editorial content for Food Logistics, what can we do better?
13.Would you be interested in contributing to a future issue of Food Logistics
Current Progress,
0 of 13 answered