2024 Lucille E. Hill Award Nomination Form |
Lucille E. Hill Award Nomination Form
We all know those people - those who serve behind the scenes or who consistently go the extra mile to bring out the best in all of us through their inspiring life of service. We need your help finding these hidden heroes, so we can honor them with our Lucille E. Hill Award.
Reach Them to Teach Them is a non-profit organization comprised of community leaders united by their commitment to invest in children. This meaningful award is named in honor of Hallerin Hilton Hill's beloved mother, Mrs. Lucille E. Hill, a woman who dedicated her life to serve her students and family.
This year's "Unite" event will be held on Thursday, November 14 at Faith Promise Church, Pellissippi Campus. Our Lucille E. Hill finalists and winner will be recognized at the event and will receive a wonderful prize package.
If you know someone who is deserving of this award, please submit your nomination by Friday, October 18.
Thank you for letting us know about the special people who bring out the best in all of us! Questions? Please send an email to: virginia_babb@yahoo.com