Question Title

* 1. I am interested in receiving more information about the Lakeview-East End Historic Preservation Society and its proposed work:

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* 2. Name

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* 3. Email Address

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* 4. Phone Number

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* 5. My preferred method of contact is by:

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* 6. I rate the proposed action items with the following level of priority:

  Low Medium Low Medium Medium High High
1. Oral Histories
2. Documentation of Artifacts
3. Pursuing federal historic district designation
4. Identifying points of interest for signage and a driving tour
5. Create branding and communications
6. Support the stabilization and restoration of Zion Baptist Church, Lakeview Cemetery and Barber AME Church.
7. Develop a museum

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* 7. Please mark your level of interest in volunteering to support the following proposed Lakeview-East End Historic Preservation Society work items:

  None at all A little A moderate amount A lot A great deal
1. Working in a committee to plan oral histories for Memorial Day weekend
1. Working at least one two-hour shift to record people's oral histories over the Memorial Day weekend
1. Taking oral histories remotely over the summer on Zoom
1. Scheduling and communicating to confirm appointments to give and receive oral histories
1. Cataloguing oral histories after they have been taken so we have good records about what was recorded.
2. Doing outreach to help people in the community know about our interest in documenting the location of historic artifacts.
2. Being a point of contact to receive information from residents about their historic artifacts
2. Cataloguing and organizing records about historic artifacts.
3. Working on a committee to secure historic district designation for Lakeview and the East End.
3. Communicating with local elected officials to secure their support for such historic designation.
4. Working on a committee to develop a self-guided, mapped driving tour of places associated with the history of our community.
4. Talking to landowners of sites of potential interest to secure their support for placement of historic signage along the roadway.
5. Working on a committee to develop branding and communications materials for the Lakeview-East End Historic Preservation Society and LEE-associated projects.
6. Working on a committee to support the owners of historic properties in efforts to gain funding for the restoration and improvement of such properties.
7. Working on a committee to define the scope and evaluate the feasibility of a potential museum.
Potentially serving as a member of the Board of Trustees of the nonprofit organization.