Following up on a meeting held with the City of North Vancouver and LEC staff regarding challenges UDI members have been experiencing with the LEC, we are collecting feedback to provide for ongoing discussions. 

Some challenges discussed include developments being unable to meet return temperature requirements and get back development bonds, the costs associated with trying to meet requirements, as well as the transition of the LEC towards a low-carbon energy source.

If you have any projects that are connected to, or will be connecting to, the LEC district energy system, we would greatly appreciate any comments or feedback you are able to offer by filling out the following survey.

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* 1. What challenges have you experienced with developments connected/to be connected to the LEC?

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* 2. Do you see any opportunities the LEC could take advantage of to address any of these challenges?

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* 3. Have you struggled to get a development to meet the LEC’s requirements in order to have a development bond released?

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* 4. Have you had a project successfully meet LEC requirements? What were some of the challenges associated with this process?

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* 5. Do you have any positive experiences with LEC or other City-owned DEU systems that you would like to share?