Thanks for taking time to share some feedback and help me better understand my readers and your needs. At the bottom of the survey, you have the chance to select one or more possible prizes, to be selected by random drawing (for those who complete the survey by February 1).

This survey is sponsored by KaiNexus - making improvement easier. Visit their website at

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* 1. What industry do you work in? Check all that apply.

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* 2. What is your career level?

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* 3. Anything else you would add about your job/career/company background?

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* 4. Describe in the first three words that come to mind...

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* 5. Do you listen to Mark's podcasts?

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* 6. Do you have any suggested guests or topics for the podcasts? Include contact information if you can make an introduction or connection.

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* 7. What should I improve about the blog?

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* 8. What do you like about the blog?

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* 9. When and how did you learn about

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* 10. Where do you live?

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* 11. Any other feedback or thoughts? You can always share more by contacting me at

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* 12. Your email address (if you want to enter the drawing or want a response):

Question Title

* 13. Which prize(s) would you like to win (check all that apply)

See for more information on Mark's workshop

Due to high shipping costs, winners of physical prizes must be located in the United States. If you are an international winner of one of my books, I will offer you a free Kindle version, if you like.

Thanks for your time!