UX Camp Brighton 2014 - Post Event Survey

Hi there

We would be delighted if all those who attended UX Camp Brighton 2014 would complete this short survey to help us improve the event for next time.

If you do complete the survey, you will be entered into a lottery draw to win one of three fantastic prizes.

We have a Peachpit ebook http://goo.gl/1m8hqB) and two Pidoco premium licence (https://pidoco.com/) to give away.

The draw will be held shortly after the survey closes at noon on Friday 5th December 2014

Many thanks

UX Camp Brighton
Patrick, Luke, Tom, Tim and Chris :)

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* 1. This year, UX Camp Brighton was held the day after UX Brighton 2014. Was this a good thing?

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* 2. Did you host a session at UX Camp Brighton 2014?

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* 3. If you didn't host a session, would having help/support/mentoring in the leadup to the event make you more likely to host a session at UX Camp Brighton 2015?

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* 4. Which were your favourite sessions from the day and why?

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* 5. What were best things about the event (if any)?

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* 6. What were worst things about the event (if any)?

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* 7. What did you think about the venue?

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* 8. are you planning on attending UX Camp Brighton 2015?

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* 9. Have you got any other comments to add?

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* 10. Finally, if you want to enter into the draw to win one of our prizes then please enter your email address: