Harbor Transit Public Comment Survey: Fare Reinstatement

1.What is your age?
2.What is your preferred language?
3.What is your ethnicity?
4.What is your race?
5.What is your gender?
6.What is your zip code?
7.What is your employment status?
8.Do you currently use Harbor Transit or have you used us in the past 12 months?
9.Overall, how satisfied are you with current Harbor Transit service?
10.When you ride Harbor Transit, what is the primary purpose of your trip?
11.Do you have any long-term physical or mental disabilities which affect your use of Harbor Transit’s service?
12.How often do you ride Harbor Transit?
13.On a scale of 1-5, how satisfied are you with existing public transportation options in Northwest Ottawa County?
14.If you don’t currently use public transportation in the Northwest Ottawa County area, what are some of the reasons why? (select all that apply)
15.If made available, how likely is it that you would use an app on your phone to schedule a ride?
16.If made available, how likely is it that you would use an app on your phone to pay for transit?
17.What is your opinion on the proposed reinstatement of fares at Harbor Transit?
18.How likely are you to continue using Harbor Transit if the proposed fare reinstatement is approved?
19.Do you have any additional comments about proposed fare reinstatement? How would these potential changes impact you, if at all?
Current Progress,
0 of 19 answered