February 15, 2018

The Lycoming-Clinton Counties Commission for Community Action (STEP), Inc., Lycoming County United Way, First Community Foundation Partnership of Pennsylvania, and River Valley Health & Dental Center request your assistance to assess our county’s needs. These four partners have come together to support the 2018 Community Needs Assessment. Your knowledge and perceptions of the needs faced by you and your family are important to us.

Please take a few minutes to complete the enclosed survey and provide your thoughts of the problems faced in Lycoming County by you and your family. The information will be combined with other data, including partner surveys, focus group data, and objective data. The final Community Needs Assessment Report will be completed and published in the Fall of 2018 and publicly available.

Please return the survey to any of the four partners no later than May 1, 2018. Thank you very much for your assistance in this project.


James D. Plankenhorn
STEP, Inc. President & CEO

Ron Frick
LCUW President

Jennifer Wilson
FCFP President & CEO

James Yoxheimer
RVHDC President & CEO