The state of California requires each school district to create a Local Control Accountability Plan annually. This is a document that is created with input from ALL stakeholders as a plan for educating and supporting all students.  We are in our fourth year of revising the LCAP and are now working on the document for the 2017-2018 school year. As always, we need and value input from ALL our stakeholders as we make plans on how to best support our students and prepare them for their futures. Your answers remain anonymous.

We are maintaining our three LCAP goals:
1. Increase percent of students who are on track to graduate college and career ready
2. Provide an educational setting that is conducive to learning
3. Increase engagement level of students

Based on those goals and stakeholder input, we continue to:
*Higher quality teachers and offer an induction program to keep them
*Provide professional learning opportunities in multiple content areas
*Increase A-G offerings at the HS
*Maintain current classes and expand CTE program
*Provide release time for collaboration/planning in content area/grade level
*Provide extra support for Elementary grade level collaborative meetings
*Maintain District and site EL Coordinators
*Provide multiple opportunities for academic and social interventions/enrichments
*Maintain small class size averages
*Maintain safety personnel and surveillance cameras district wide
*Expand STEM programs for students
*Implement a Strings program (3rd - 8th)
*Support athletics
*Increase Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA) opportunities

Please take a few minutes and answer the following three questions. Your input will be read and reflected upon as we revise the next LCAP document. We appreciate your input.

Question Title

* 1. The first goal of the LCAP is to "Increase the percent of students who are on track to graduate college and career ready".
In your opinion, what other ideas do you have or activities do you think we need to help our students be college and career ready by the time they graduate from BBHS? Please answer in the text box below.

Question Title

* 2. The second goal of the LCAP is to "Provide an educational setting that is conducive to learning".

In your opinion, what other ideas do you have that would help to create a setting where students want to learn? Please answer in the text book below.

Question Title

* 3. The third goal of the LCAP is to "increase the engagement level of the students".

In your opinion, what else could be done to further engage students in their educational pursuits throughout their years in BVUSD?

Question Title

* 4. My child(ren) attend: (mark as many as apply)

Question Title

* 5. I am a...(check all that apply)