How Are We Doing?
We want to know what you think about your school! This survey will give your school information it can use to improve your education. This survey is confidential and your answers are anonymous. This is not a test and there are no wrong answers. You do not have to answer any question you do not want to answer, but we hope you answer as many questions as you can. If you do not want to participate please let your teacher know.

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* 1. School

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* 2. I feel safe at school.

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* 3. I enjoy coming to school.

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* 4. I need to work hard to get good grades.

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* 5. When I ask for help, I receive it.

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* 6. Adults at my school encourage me to be successful in school.

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* 7. Adults at my school treat all students with respect.

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* 8. There are programs or assemblies that help keep our school bully free.

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* 9. There are clear consequences for breaking the rules.

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* 10. Students at my school treat each other with respect.

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* 11. My school is clean.

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* 12. My school offers me a chance to be physically active before or after school.

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* 13. My school offers me a chance to be involved in art, music or performances.

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* 14. My teacher expects all students to work hard.

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* 15. My teacher gives me extra help when I need it.

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* 16. My teacher makes me excited about learning.

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* 17. My teacher expects me to continue my education after high school and go to college or vocational school.

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* 18. My teacher shows me how to be organized, like listing my homework, checking my grades, or using a planner.

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* 19. I am required to use text-based evidence when answering questions or to explain my ideas.

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* 20. In Math, I work on math problems that need multiple steps to find the answer.

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* 21. In class, I work with table partners or small groups.

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* 22. The amount of homework I bring home is just right for me.

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* 23. I would recommend this school to my friends.

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* 24. Students at my school do not smoke cigarettes.

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* 25. Students at my school do not drink alcohol.

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* 26. Students at my school do not use illegal drugs.

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* 27. Students at my school do not fight while at school.

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* 28. Students at my school do not bully other students.

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* 29. Students at my school do not cheat on assignments or tests.