Survey of Domestic Violence Training Providers |
Purpose of the Survey
The Domestic Violence State Coordinating Council, created by the Tennessee General Assembly, works to increase the awareness and understanding of domestic violence and to reduce such violence in Tennessee by providing training and technical assistance to communities and certifying and monitoring of batterers’ intervention programs.
The Council is creating a statewide calendar of educational programs on domestic violence and sexual assault that are open to the public. The purpose of the calendar is to increase the awareness of educational opportunities across Tennessee and to promote collaboration among organizations working to end domestic and sexual violence.
To do this, we need your help! If your agency is conducting training on domestic violence or sexual assault that is open to the pubic in 2016 , please send us information about the training through this survey link. We will include the information on Tennessee Coalition calendar webpage (http://www.tncoalition.org/calendar). If you have any questions, please feel free to contact
The Council is creating a statewide calendar of educational programs on domestic violence and sexual assault that are open to the public. The purpose of the calendar is to increase the awareness of educational opportunities across Tennessee and to promote collaboration among organizations working to end domestic and sexual violence.
To do this, we need your help! If your agency is conducting training on domestic violence or sexual assault that is open to the pubic in 2016 , please send us information about the training through this survey link. We will include the information on Tennessee Coalition calendar webpage (http://www.tncoalition.org/calendar). If you have any questions, please feel free to contact
Bethanie Poe at bpoe@tncoalition.org or (615) 386-9406. Thank you!