نموذج طلب تدريب المدربين
Training of Trainers (ToT) application form

RedR UK is offering a free of charge, high-quality Training of Trainers (ToT) course aiming to provide participants with the knowledge and skills to delivering trainings in topics related to their areas of specialty (this particular ToT is targeted towards responders to the floods in Eastern Libya).

Participants will be expected to contribute to discussions, take part in group tasks, complete assignments, and by the end of the course will have developed a full understanding on how to facilitate and deliver a training.

Training will be delivered online in and English.

Dates (pick one):

- Sunday 3rd March to Thursday 7th March (in English)

Apply now!

This course is designed for technical responders, engineers, and humanitarians in the East of Libya, in NGOs, humanitarian organizations, local and national government, or private sector.

RedR UK is committed to making sure everyone’s needs are met, including people of different genders, ages and disabilities. If you have any specific access requirements or learning needs RedR are committed to try and make reasonable adjustments to support your needs, please email mohammed.bashein@redr.org.uk

A further email will be sent confirming final registration, therefore, kindly note that you are not automatically enrolled by filling this application alone.

Question Title

* 1. الاسم الكامل
Full name

Question Title

* 2. البريد الالكتروني

Question Title

* 3. WhatsApp Number

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* 4. النوع الاجتماعي

Question Title

* 5. اسم المنظمة / المؤسسة
Organisation name

Question Title

* 6. نوع المنظمة / المؤسسة
Organisation type

Question Title

* 7. المسمى الوظيفي
What is your job title?

Question Title

* 8. كم المدة التي قضيتها في العمل مع هذه المنظمة
How long have you been working with the organisation?

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* 9. هل تقوم بالاستجابة لفيضان شرق ليبيا؟
Are you currently responding to the floods in East Libya?

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* 10. في اي بلد مقيم/متواجد حاليا؟
Which country are you currently based?

Question Title

* 11. كيف ستستفيد أنت ومنظمتك والمجتمعات المتأثرة التي تعمل معها من هذا التدريب، وكيف تتوقع أنه سيؤثر على عملك و/أو حياتك؟
How would you, your organisation, and the affected communities you work with benefit from this training and how do you anticipate it will impact your work and/or life?

Question Title

* 12. ما هي الخبرة، إن وجدت، التي لديك في التدريب والتيسير؟
What experience, if any, do you have in training and facilitation?

Question Title

* 13. هل سبق لك أن التحقت بدورة "تدريب المدربين" من قبل؟
Have you ever attended a Training of Trainers before?

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* 14. كم عدد جلسات التدريب التي قمت بايصالها/ تيسيرها في الماضي؟
How many training sessions have you delivered in the past?

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* 15. What are your time preferences for the training?

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* 16. هل هناك شيء محدد ترغب في تعلمه في دورة "تدريب المدربين" هذه؟
Is there anything in particular you would like to learn on this Training of Trainers?