Thank you for participating in the Staten Island My Brother’s Keeper (MBK) Convening Session, held on [Enter Date]. To facilitate the coordination of our collective efforts toward closing and eliminating the opportunity gaps faced by boys and young men of color so that all our young people have the chance to reach their full potential, we ask that you complete and submit this short survey for your organization, which will aid us in developing a road map for success.
In Section I, please provide your organization’s contact information.
In Section II, please indicate which of the activities described your organization can assist with to support achievement of one or more of the following National and New York State My Brother’s Keeper Milestones:

National MBK Milestones
At the national level, MBK is focused on ensuring that all children:
  1. Enter school ready to learn;
  2. Read at grade level by third grade;
  3. Graduate from high school ready for college and career;
  4. Complete postsecondary education or training;
  5. Successfully enter the workforce; and
  6. Grow up in safe communities and get a second chance if they make a mistake.
New York State MBK Goals
In addition to supporting the six milestones set at the national level, New York’s MBK initiative is also committed to: 
  1. Ensuring equitable access to high quality schools and programs;
  2. Expanding prevention, early warning, and intervention services;
  3. Using differentiated approaches based on need and culture;
  4. Responding to structural and institutional racism;
  5. Making comprehensive and coordinated support services widely available; and
  6. Engaging families and communities in a trusted and respectful way.
Section I – Organization Information

Question Title

* 1. Organization Name:

Question Title

* 2. Organization Type:

Question Title

* 3. Contact Person:

Question Title

* 4. Title:

Question Title

* 5. Email Address:

Question Title

* 6. Phone Number:

Question Title

* 7. Street Address:

Question Title

* 8. Borough:

Question Title

* 9. Zip Code:

Question Title

* 10. Website:

Question Title

* 11. Mission:

Question Title

* 12. Communities Served:

Section II – Partnering in Support of the Staten Island MBK Initiative: In this section, please check the applicable boxes below to indicate the activities that your organization is willing to support:

Question Title

* 13. Our organization is willing to:

Many thanks for responding - we will be in touch!