AASHTO re:source Proficiency Sample Program Evaluation Question Title * 1. Select the sample for which you are submitting feedback: Extra Proficiency Samples (XPS, used for training or verifying testing or equipment, or to resolve accreditation-related issues) Aggregate Degradation 7/8 (January 2025) Winter Maintenance Products 1/2 (December 2024) Viscosity Graded Asphalt Cement 277/278 (November 2024) Performance Graded Asphalt Binder 277/278 (November 2024) Asphalt Mixture Ignition Oven 49/50 (November 2024) Question Title * 2. Did your samples arrive in good condition? (Were the shipping boxes intact? Were the sample containers inside the boxes properly sealed?) Yes No Comments on sample condition: Question Title * 3. Were the sample materials received sufficient for testing? (Was enough material received to perform all applicable testing? Did the amount of material received meet the minimum requirements stated in the proficiency sample instructions?) Yes No Comments on sample materials: Question Title * 4. Were the testing instructions clear? Yes No Comments on testing instructions: Question Title * 5. Is the information in the final report (ratings, z-scores, standard deviations, etc.) clear? Yes No Comments on final report information: Question Title * 6. What do you like about the Proficiency Sample Program? Question Title * 7. What don't you like about the Proficiency Sample Program? Question Title * 8. Comments about the support service you have received from our Administrative staff (currently Sara Holsinger, Mark Ambrosini, and Stephen Amaya): (Consider the helpfulness, timeliness, and professionalism of interactions and communications.) Question Title * 9. If applicable, please list any agencies that require your laboratory's participation in the AASHTO re:source Proficiency Sample Program (PSP), so that we may better understand your needs. (It isn't necessary to include the AASHTO Accreditation Program.) Question Title * 10. Please list any specific tests (AASHTO/ASTM) or sample types that you would like us to consider adding to the AASHTO re:source Proficiency Sample Program: Question Title * 11. Additional comments: (Please consider including comments about customer service received, ease of entering data online, etc.) It is helpful if you include identifying information below. We may contact you only if you agree to be contacted. Your comments will in no way affect your laboratory's relationship with AASHTO re:source or its standing in the AASHTO Accreditation Program (AAP). Question Title * 12. Contact Information: Your Name: Laboratory Name: Laboratory Location (city and state/country only): Contact Information (e-mail address or phone number): Question Title * 13. May we contact you about your feedback if we have questions? Yes No Question Title * 14. May we have your permission to include your comments in future publications? (Your name and the name of your organization will not be identified in the publications.) Yes No Thank you for taking the time to submit feedback! Your comments will help us improve the quality of our programs and services. Done