Lake Michigan Sampler Guild 2023 Program Survey

1.We use Facebook, monthly newsletter and email updates to communicate information. How well do we communicate guild programs to you? Please use the comment box to let us know how we can done better.
2.We strive to provide varied programs. Please check all boxes of projects that would interest you. Please use the "Other" box to specifically list what interests you have.
3.Have you taken a Zoom class? if yes, please comment on some of the following: What type of project was presented? Was Zoom a good media for delivering the project? How long was your Zoom class? Do you have suggestions for a Zoom presenter/class that you are interested in?
4.Are you open to projects that are "stash busters"? You may  have to provide some of your own linen and/or threads but the project and perhaps some of the supplies are provided by the presenter.
5.If you follow our Facebook page, do you find value in the posts/content?
6.Every member has special talents and knowledge to share.  Would you be interested in presenting or partnering with someone to present a program? Please share your name and topic so that we may reach out to you. This could be an in person or  Zoom presentation.