First, we'd like to learn a little about you...

Hello, and thank you for your interest in participating in our research. This in-store interview is scheduled for Saturday, September 9 in Long Beach, CA. (address to be provided upon acceptance). We are only recruiting for this date, so if you are unable to make it on September 9, you do not need to complete this screener. We are only recruiting homeowners at this time, so if you do not own your home (house, condo, etc.), you do not need to complete this screener.

The in-store interview will last up to 45 minutes and pay $100, cash, for your time and insights. (Payment of $150 is available if interview includes partner/spouse). We are not selling anything, nor will you be buying anything, rather our goal is to learn from you as you "shop" specific aisles within the store.

ALL information you submit is for recruitment purposes only and will not be shared with any other individuals or organizations and will not be used to contact you for anything other than this specific study.

Question Title

* 1. Are you a homeowner AND available to participate in research for 45 minutes on September 9?