Operating Hours and Programs

The Laurelhurst Community Center is collecting feedback from our patrons and neighbors regarding operating hours and program offerings.  Based on the 2017 City Council budget, the Community Centers current operating hours are Monday through Friday from 9 am to 2 pm.  We would like to know what operational hours and programs would best serve your family’s needs.  This is part of our on-going effort to align programs and operational services that meet the needs of the community.

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* 1. If the community center was granted additional operating hours and staffing support, which option(s) would you prefer?

  First Choice Second Choice Third Choice
Expand afternoon/evening hours on select weekdays.
Expand afternoon/evening hours all days of the week.
Add Saturday hours

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* 2. If the community center operating hours remain at the current level of 25 hours per week, how would you like to see those hours used?

  First Choice Second Choice Third Choice
Remain the same, Monday-Friday 9am-2pm.
Alternate the hours so that some days we are open early (ex: 9am-2pm) and other days we are open late (ex: 1-6pm)
Be closed one weekday and open Saturdays

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* 3. What programs would you and/or your family like to participate in at the community center?

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* 4. Please list any other programs, activities or events that you would like to see offered at the Laurelhurst Community Center.

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* 5. What ways do you prefer to get information about community center programs and events?

  First Choice Second Choice Third Choice
Print Brochure
Online Brochure
Email / Listserve
Neighborhood Blog

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* 6. Do you have other comments or questions or concerns? If you would like follow up contact please include a phone number or email address so we can respond.

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* 7. Thank you for your feedback!  If you would like to take a greater roll in supporting or guiding Laurelhurst Community Centers programs, events, and operations, then please consider joining the Laurelhurst Advisory Council.  This partnership with the Associated Recreation Council, is part of how we advance our goals of increased access and improved recreational services. If you would like to learn more then please share your contact information below.