
Welcome to the Leadership Action Checklist DISCOVERY questionnaire.  It is a "self-assesment only" version of the LAC 360 Degree Feedback Questionaire.

It will take about 20 minutes to complete. Please think carefully about your responses, but if you find you are deliberating too much, then bear in mind your gut response is often the most accurate.

This process is very simple and it is designed to help you focus on the areas you need to develop. The results will only be sent to the email address you supply and the more honest your responses, the more useful the information will be to you.  The questionnaire is asking you to agree or disagree wether you have committed different leadership actions.  

Some people find it useful to consider a specific timescale e.g. "in the last year", "since the current project began", "since I started my new role", etc.  The first question asks you to record that if you have chosen to do so.

The second question asks for the context in which you answered the questions.  e.g. "Going through a chaotic re-organisation", "feeling stretched by the workload", "feeling uncertain about the direction we should be going in" etc.  The intention is to help you re-connect with your "mindset" at the time of completion and to help in interpreting the results.

Your results will enable you to consider where you need to apply more or less energy/focus and what you might consider doing.  It is designed to act as the starting point for your thinking, to help you interpret the results into your particular context and to make more informed choices about your leadership.

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14% of survey complete.