Question Title

* 1. Your name

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* 2. Host Company Name

Question Title

* 3. Head count of attendees at the session

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* 4. Was directional signage posted when you arrived?

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* 5. Was the speaker ready and available when you arrived?

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* 6. Other notes about Host Company's level of preparedness and ease of finding the location for the session.

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* 7. Was food or drink provided?

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* 8. Was there any swag for attendees?

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* 9. What did the host company include in the session?

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* 10. Could you see and hear the presentation comfortably?

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* 11. How long was the organized portion of the session (presentation, tour, etc.)?

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* 12. Was the published speaker the person who led the session?

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* 13. If there was a switch in speakers, did the host company say anything about it?

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* 14. Did the host company deliver on what they promised in their session description?

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* 15. Other notes on how well the host company stuck to their published session description.

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* 16. How much time was given for Q&A at the end of the session?

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* 17. How many people asked questions?

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* 18. How many people stayed after to talk to the speaker or anyone else from the company?

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* 19. Did anything unique or unusual happen, like a story, an anecdote, or a great connection worth telling us about?

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* 20. Rate this session on your own personal scale.

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* 21. In one sentence, explain what this company does.

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* 22. Feel free to leave any additional notes or comments.

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* 23. Is it OK with you if we use your survey responses as part of our growing testimonials?