Share your feedback about the NCCSD Website Please give us your thoughts about the new redesigned NCCSD Website. Question Title * 1. Were you satisfied with the website's content? Very satisfied Satisfied Somewhat satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Comments (optional): OK Question Title * 2. Was the website information useful? Extremely valuable Very valuable Somewhat valuable Not so valuable Not at all valuable Comments (optional) OK Question Title * 3. Would you recommend the NCCSD website to others? Definitely would Probably would Probably would not Definitely would not Comments (optional) OK Question Title * 4. How did you hear about this site? Internet search (e.g., Google) Link on a different website Through AHEAD or the Institute on Community Integration (ICI) The campus disability services/resource office Saw poster, postcard or advertisement Word of mouth from a friend, colleague, family member, etc. Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 5. Which best describes you? I am a high school student I am a future college student who isn't in high school I am a current undergraduate college student I am a current graduate student I am a parent, guardian, or family member I am a disability services/resources professional I am a higher education professional I am a faculty member I am a researcher I am a policymaker Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 6. Do you have a disability? (optional) I have a disability (includes chronic illness, LD, ADHD, and ongoing mental or emotional illnesses) I am culturally Deaf Technically I have a disability, but I do not use that term I do not have a disability Other (please specify) OK Thank you for your feedback. Our websites are undergoing revisions and updates, so we will use this information to improve our work. If you have any questions, need help or information from NCCSD, please contact us at OK DONE