1. Confidentiality Agreement

Thank you for being a Sarah Lawrence College Alumni Volunteer! In order to fulfill volunteer projects and tasks, you may be provided with confidential information. Please complete the agreement below which outlines the use, storage, and disposal of confidential constituent information.

Question Title

* 1. As a Sarah Lawrence Alumni Volunteer you have access to confidential information about alumni and other individuals. In order to protect the privacy of these individuals, all volunteers must understand that this information cannot be shared with others. Please hold this information in confidence. Do not leave it where someone else can see it, do not discuss it with others, and do not use it for purposes other than Alumni volunteer tasks and projects. This pertains to information about the following, but is not limited to: contact information, financial information, gifts, employment, education and personal/financial situations. We ask that you shred all discarded materials or return them to the office of Alumni Relations. We take the privacy of all Sarah Lawrence College constituents very seriously.

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* 2. Please enter your full name as signature and today's date.

Thanks so much for taking the time to complete our Alumni Volunteer Confidentiality Agreement. We look forward to working with you!