Do you have thoughts about manufacturing? 

We bet you do. Which is great, because the Alliance for American Manufacturing needs your help. Please feel out the survey below and tell us what you think about some key manufacturing issues.

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* 1. Which comes closer to your point of view about manufacturing?

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* 2. What is the biggest threat to jobs in the future?

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* 3. Do you agree or disagree: We must take on the trade cheaters! We need to impose tariffs and finally rebalance trade with China.

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* 4. Do you agree or disagree: Did someone say #InfrastructureWeek? America must finally invest in infrastructure to fix our broken roads, bridges, public transit, pipelines and more!

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* 5. Do you agree or disagree: It’s time to recruit Generation Z! We need to boost training programs like apprenticeships and vocational training to prepare the next generation of workers for advanced manufacturing jobs.

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* 6. President Trump has made China a key part of his trade agenda. How is he doing so far?

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* 7. Are you hearing the 2020 presidential candidates talking about manufacturing on the campaign trail?

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* 8. OPTIONAL (BUT FUN!): What company do you think should make more of its products in the United States and why?