We'd love you to be involved in our school community. Help us plan better for 2020 and indicate below your family's interests, talents and the time you're available to help out.

Any help you provide really does make a difference to our school, our community and everyone's well-being.

You may be available for one thing or more. We welcome your assistance big or small.

We want to reiterate that aside from chairing one of the portfolios below, you are not expected to attend monthly Connect Waimairi meetings.

Please remember that Connect Waimairi is a team effort and anything you put your name down for will be in collaboration with other volunteers. You are not alone!

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* 1. Please enter your name and preferred communication details

Question Title

* 2. We understand that being a sole chair of an association such as Connect Waimairi is a huge task, so we are looking at having 3 different portfolios i.e. fundraising, well-being/community focus and big events 1 or 2 a year).
Would you be willing to Chair (or perhaps co-chair) any of the following components of Connect Waimairi?

Question Title

* 3. Re. Fundraising Portfolio
Would you be willing to help with fundraising activities that run throughout the year? You may be available to help with one or more of the activities below. All help is welcome.
As an indication of how critical fundraising is, the board requires at least $20k each year for operations (stationery and running of the school pool for example). Any additional funds required for a new pool cover, landscaping for example is additional to this.

Question Title

* 4. Re. Community Portfolio
Would you be interested in being a Class Connector in 2020? This would involve drafting up a class contacts list (together with the teacher), communicating regularly about upcoming school events (and actively encouraging participation) as well as connecting with parents/caregivers through everyday conversation and/or organising a casual dinner out for example.
If Yes, please add your child/s year in 2020.

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* 5. Re. Big Events Portfolio
If we did a large fundraising and community event, such as a Fair or Top Town, would you like to be on the organising team and/or lead it?

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* 6. Re. General Assistance
Name any specific skill sets you have that may be of use at a school event or throughout the year.

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* 7. Re. General Assistance
Would you be available for general assistance throughout the year at school? Again, select one or more from the below.

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* 8. Re. General Assistance
Would you be willing to be of assistance from home for any school events?

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* 9. Your thoughts on 2020:
Are there any specific events you would like to see in 2020? For example, think child friendly (discos) adult only (themed ball) and community wide events (fair) or well being focused (Environmentally focused)