Thank you for participating in this important process by responding to this confidential survey.

Question Title

* 1. Which of the following assets are important to the District's economic success?

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* 2. Which of the following challenges must be addressed by your local government for the District to achieve long-term economic stability?

  Most Important Somewhat Important Not Important Don't Know
Aging and inadequate services (broadband, water, wastewater, roads)
Not enough land and buildings ready for job-creating businesses
Lack of housing, too many seasonal rentals, homelessness
Wildfires, drought, and other natural disasters
Worker and skill shortage 
Limited visitor amenities (restaurants, lodging, signage)
Burdensome government regulations

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* 3. Are you involved in, or aware of, any activities or initiatives that address these issues?

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* 4. Which of the following opportunities should be pursued to improve long-term economic stability in the District's cities and counties?

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* 5. If you would be interested in discussing these topics further with a member of the consulting team, please provide us with your contact information. This survey and all conversations are confidential and only shared among the consulting team members.

Question Title

* 6. Is there any other information you wish to share?

50% of survey complete.