Question Title

* 1. Please choose the closest match.
Before the pandemic your primary source of income in the language services sector was from:

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* 2. Please choose the closest match.

Since the pandemic started, how have you coped with the change in employment circumstances?

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* 3. Please choose the best match.

What kind of services or information is most valuable to you right now?

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* 4. Please choose the closest match.

How likely are you to attend an online CAPI annual meeting?

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* 5. If you chose “undecided”, please let us know what CAPI can do to change your mind in favor of attending.

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* 6. Are you interested in contributing to the growth and development of your interpreter association?

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* 7. Please share any constructive comments or ideas you’d like the CAPI board to consider in planning future events.

If you would like to volunteer, please, provide your contact information in this field as well.