We want to know how the current lockdown is affecting your business - please let us know using the form below. We'll compile the results and share them at our upcoming Virtual User Group in May.

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* 1. How smooth was your transition to working remotely?

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* 2. Has your firm taken advantage of GRAPHISOFT’s emergency licenses?

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* 3. What key lesson have you learned in getting your team set up to work remotely?

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* 4. What’s been most successful in communicating with your team and keeping them on track?

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* 5. How has this shift in work methods affected designing with your teams?

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* 6. What methods are helping you succeed with your clients? (Check all that apply)

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* 7. What technologies are you using to work virtually with construction on open job sites?

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* 8. How are you virtually integrating with consultants?

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* 9. How do you anticipate this crises is going to affect your practice, business and the industry as we come out of it?

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* 10. Is there anything else you'd like to share?