Question Title

* 1. For each of the below descriptions, identify whether you believe the organization or people described are part of "al Qaeda"?

  Yes No
Muslim extremists who have sworn bayat (allegiance) to Osama bin Laden or the current emir of the Al Qaeda organization
Extremists who take orders from Al Qaeda's emir or his appointed deputies but may or may not have sworn bayat (allegiance)
Extremists who are significantly financed at the direction of Al Qaeda's emir or his deputies
Extremists based in the Af-Pak region
Formally branded Al Qaeda franchises (AQIM, AQAP and AQI)
Organizations whose leaders have publicly expressed loyalty to AQ or its emir
Nominally independent extremist networks that provide significant services used in Al Qaeda operations, such as training camps or money laundering
Ideologues who explicitly justify or defend Al Qaeda ideology and tactics without strong operational ties to the organization
People who take part in the broad social movement inspired by Al Qaeda but who may not have direct or operational links to terrorist leaders

Question Title

* 2. Would you or would you not include the groups listed below part of the U.S. government's mandate to wage war on Al Qaeda?

  Yes No
Al Qaeda in Afghanistan/Pakistan
Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula
Al Qaeda in Iraq
Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb
Al Shabab
Lashkar e Tayyiba
Afghan Taliban
Tehrik e Taliban Pakistan
The Haqqani network
Libyan Islamic Fighting Group
Revolution Muslim

Question Title

* 3. In your opinion, which of the following persons are or were part of Al Qaeda? (Yes, no, or don't know)

  Yes No Don't Know
Abu Muhammad Al Maqdisi
Anwar Awlaki
Abdel Majid Zindani
Ramzi Yousef
Khalid Shaikh Mohammed
Abu Zubaydah
Omar Abdel Rahman
Omar Hammami
Abu Bakr Bashir

Question Title

* 4. Which of the following best describes your current profession?