Hinsdale Housing Needs Survey

As part of a $100 million InvestNH initiative, the Town of Hinsdale is participating in the Community Housing Navigator program. This program is intended to help New Hampshire communities understand and address their housing needs at a time when the state is experiencing record low-vacancy rates and an acute shortage of available and affordable housing. This is a community-driven process that starts with communication. Please take a moment to complete this Housing Needs Survey. The quality of this effort is largely determined by the level of participation from the community. Thank you for your time and interest!
If you have any questions or additional comments, please reach out to Josh Green, Community Development Department, at propertyrecords@hinsdalenh.org.
1.Which of the following choices best describes your current housing situation? Check one.
2.What best describes the type of home you currently live in? Check one.
3.Ideally what type of housing would you prefer to be living in today? Check one.
4.Are you actively looking for a new place to live?
5.When is the last time you moved? Indicate year.
6.Please indicate which of these characteristics are important to you when choosing a neighborhood to live in.  Check all that apply.
7.Please indicate what types of housing you believe the Town of Hinsdale is in need of.  Check all that apply.
8.Please prioritize the housing related challenges facing the Town of Hinsdale.
Does not apply to Hinsdale
Not a priority
Low priority
Medium priority
High priority
Cost of housing or rent
Cost of repair or maintenance
Neighborhood safety
Availability of housing options (e.g. rentals, apartments, accessory dwelling units, etc.)
Housing discrimination
Presence of vacant homes
9.Do you work in Hinsdale?  If no, please indicate what town you work in.
10.Do you travel more than 30 minutes from your home for work, childcare, or other daily needs?
11.Please select your age.
12.What is your approximate annual household income?
13.Have you or your family ever been at risk of eviction or losing your home?  If yes, please explain.
14.How did you end up living in your current housing?
15.Are you a resident of Hinsdale?
16.Are you a registered voter in Hinsdale?