Invitation to join survey

The purpose of this study: is to understand the current level of inclusive design, accessibility awareness knowledge and understanding of standards, as well as adoption and implementation barriers and procurement practices that exist for software developers and designers in software agencies as well as admins, web masters and technical department staff in corporate banking, e-commerce, healthcare and educational and government sectors in Kuwait.

We are seeking the tech audience who are actively contributing to Tech product design and development and Web and Mobile technologies. These may be professionals overseas. 

Participation in this survey involves answering questions that will take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete. You are not restricted to this time. You have a chance to win prizes that benefit your professional development. 

Privacy and security: Your survey will be anonymous. The data you provide will be stored securely and accessed by the principal investigator and three members of the research team for analysis. This study has gained ethics approval from ISC, CLS, Kuwait University (KU-CLS-20-07-12).

If at any point you wish to withdraw from the study, you may do so without providing a reason.

The result of the study is expected to be published in a scientific journal and to develop an agenda to improve awareness and enhance quality of tech products developed for an audience in Kuwait. All data will remain completely confidential and anonymized at all times.

Renumeration: In return for your time you will have a chance to enter a raffle draw on a virtual workshop on accessibility and usability as well as receive a flyer with information to help get you started.

If you have questions at any time about the study or the procedures, you may contact me, Dr Zainab AlMeraj at z.almeraj ( at ) or