Question Title

* 1. When you connect two regions via Global VNET Peering, does the traffic flow
through Azure backbone and not via public internet ?

Question Title

* 2. Are there any inbound and outbound transfer cost when you use Global VNET peering.

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* 3. You can connect VNET from two different subscriptions.

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* 4. Global VNET peering can provide a transitive relationship across peered network.

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* 5. Is it possible to peer Virtual networks created through the classic deployment model.

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* 6. Do you need any special RBAC roles to create peering

Question Title

* 7. You are the networking administrator and configured Global VNET peering.    Everything was working fine and all of a sudden customers are complaining    they are getting TCP connectivity issues from a virtual machine to a given endpoint. What will be the most appropriate and effective tool of choice to check connectivity issues. what will you recommend.

Question Title

* 8. Your customer is getting external contractors to monitor data from network watcher. The customer is security conscious and want to ensure the access is full managed and controlled. What will your suggestion to your customer to
restrict access to the Network watcher.

Question Title

* 9. You customer is super excited about Global VNET peering and wants to adopt them right away.

They have two subscriptions residing in two regions and each of the subscription have the VNET. These VNET share the same  IP address space. 

What will your first response / feedback to your customer.

Question Title

* 10. Your customer has two different active directories and want to connect VNET residing in 2 different regions via Global VNET Peering. Based on what you  
know about Global VNET Peering , what will you be your advise to move 

Question Title

* 11. Your customer has one virtual network  created through the ARM model and 
another model created through the classic deployment model. Is it possible
to connect them using Global VNET Peering ?.

Question Title

* 12. Let's say you have an Azure Bastion host configured in one virtual network (VNet), can it be used to connect to VMs deployed in a peered VNet without deploying an additional Bastion host.

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* 13. What is Service chaining