Kim Monthly Report (January 2023 - June 2023) Question Title * 1. On which month are you reporting? January 2023 February 2023 March 2023 April 2023 May 2023 June 2023 Question Title * 2. Have you shared brochures, other printed materials, or NAMI swag (stress balls, mints, etc.) with individuals who live with mental illness, their families, and/or service providers? Yes No Question Title * 3. If you answered yes to the previous question, please be sure to record your data in the Brochure Inventory July 2022 - June 2023. (You will find it in SharePoint: NAMI NC - Documents/NAMI NC/Marketing and Communications/Brochures/Brochure Inventory) Yes, it's done. No, it's not done yet; it will be done very soon. Question Title * 4. PUBLIC EDUCATION: Now let's looks at other types of outreach. Please check all the themes you promoted. July - BIPOC/Minority Mental Health Month September - Suicide Prevention Awareness Month / Suicide Prevention Week September - World Suicide Prevention Day October - Mental Illness Awareness Week October - World Mental Health Day February - African American History Month March - Brain Injury Awareness Month April - Autism Awareness Month May - Children's Mental Health Month June - Pride Month Promising and/or evidence-based practices Suicide awareness and prevention Supporting a loved one who lives with mental illness Peer Support Services Community Inclusion Self-care Reducing stigma Cultural diversity, equity, and inclusion I did not promote any of these Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. If you promoted any of the themes above please describe your efforts below. 1 - Please list who, what, when, where, why (if necessary) and # reached 2 - Please list who, what, when, where, why (if necessary) and # reached 3 - Please list who, what, when, where, why (if necessary) and # reached 4 - Please list who, what, when, where, why (if necessary) and # reached 5 - Please list who, what, when, where, why (if necessary) and # reached 6 - Please list who, what, when, where, why (if necessary) and # reached 7 - Please list who, what, when, where, why (if necessary) and # reached 8 - Please list who, what, when, where, why (if necessary) and # reached Question Title * 6. INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION: Do you have any virtual or face to face outreach activities that are not listed above? Please include in-house training events with NAMI NC volunteers. (No need to report fundraising or membership events.) No Yes, and here is the event name, date, location, theme, and number of people involved. Question Title * 7. MASS COMMUNICATION: Did you write for the NAMI NC blog, participate in media interviews, or do something else to promote the themes listed above (#4) and/or NAMI NC services? No Yes, and here is the headline/theme, date, and medium. Please include approximate # reached if known. Question Title * 8. Did you offer any trainings on Standard Community Inclusion this month? (There is no specific numeric goal other than meeting the need.)If so, please list the date and number of participants below. No Yes, and here are the date(s) and number of participants: Question Title * 9. Did you offer any trainings on Transitions to Community Living this month? (The goal is 4 by June 30, 2023.)If so, please list the date and number of participants below. No Yes, and here are the date(s) and number of participants: Question Title * 10. Did you offer any CI continuing education events? (The goal is 4-6 by June 30, 2023.)If so, please list the date, topic, speaker(s), and number of participants below. Question Title * 11. Did you attend any CI or TCL events that were approved by Margaret and funded by NAMI NC grants? If so, please list the date and any observations or insights. Question Title * 12. Please check any additional activities that you worked on this month. (This question is optional. If you have been spending lots of time in an area, this is a good way to document that.) Worked to promote upcoming trainings and events Offered post-training support to someone who wants to develop a CI-TCL program Helped affiliate to prepare CI grant application OtherUse the space below to mention any highlights. Question Title * 13. Were any CI or TCL grants approved this month? Please list ONLY the grants that received final approval from Margaret during the month checked above. For any approved grants, list the date, organization name, $$ amount, and a brief summary. Question Title * 14. Did any CI events take place? If so, please give a brief summary including affiliate, date, location, and total number reached. Question Title * 15. If you answered yes to the question above, have you collected the following items for each event? Evaluations Final report from affiliate Receipt(s) Roster(s) Other outcomes (please specify) Question Title * 16. Are there any other work-related activities you participated in this month that you think would be useful to report? Please be sure to include ANY face to face interactions in which you promoted NAMI, recovery, etc. Question Title * 17. Do you have any issues or concerns related to these goals/objectives? Question Title * 18. Thank you for all your good work! Done