Question Title

* 1. Please select if you think that reducing each of the barriers below is a High or Low NEED to ensure successful reentry/reduced risk for recidivism for people released from MCCF.

  High Low
Safe housing away from past negative influences that support reentry and/or recovery
Affordable housing
Social security disability not secured
Medical Assistance/BH benefits not secured or reinstated
Access to timely mental health follow-up post-release and medication as needed
Individualized BH issues such as trauma, anxiety, and depression
Timely engagement in drug and alcohol services post-release
Family does not support positive reentry
Affiliation with peers who do not support reentry
Unable to re-establish or access positive family supports
Accessing gainful employment that pays a living wage
Criminal record is a barrier to employment
Criminal record is a barrier to housing
Access to transportation
Lack of awareness of personal risk factors/triggers for negative behavior
Lack of knowledge of resources available to them in the community
Hesitation to accept help/feelings of shame
Securing an ID
Lack of HS diploma or GED
Financial Hardship/Financial Management
Lack of job coaching/support to keep a job
Lack of a consistent phone number
Lack of a consistent and/or approved address
Accessing affordable childcare
Child support requirements
Parenting stress/reunification stressors
Accessing basic needs (i.e., food banks, toiletries, diapers, clothing, etc.)
Sexual/Physical/Emotional Abuse and/or Sex Trafficking
Parole/probation restrictions to relocate out of county/state
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33% of survey complete.