Thank you for your interest in the EPIC Education Series - brought to you by VBSR and Abundant Sun. The first 12-company cohort of the EPIC series (October 2020 - March 2021) is fully registered. Thus we are gathering interested companies for our next cohort of the EPIC Education Series, which we hope to offer from April/May 2021 - September/October 2021. If your company or organization is interested in participating in the next EPIC Education Series, please fill out the below form.

For more information on the program, visit: and if you have any questions, please reach out to Carra Cheslin at

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* 1. Company/Organization Name

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* 2. Point of Contact First & Last Name

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* 3. Point of Contact Job Title/Position

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* 4. Point of Contact Email Address

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* 5. The next EPIC Education Series company cohort will include eight 2-hour workshops which will likely take place from April/May 2021 - September/October 2021. Would this time frame work for your company to participate?

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* 6. The program fee for company participation in the EPIC Education Series is $1,440 for VBSR members and $1,800 for non-members. Company registration includes space for up to three staff members to attend each of the 8 virtual workshops in the series as well as a limited amount of individualized support from Abundant Sun for your company's DEI work. 

Is your company/organization prepared to pay this program fee?

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* 7. Do you have any questions or comments about the EPIC Education Series?