Magazine Mama Survey Question Title * 1. What genre of photography do you specialize in? Weddings Kids & Families Seniors Newborns Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. What do you feel you need the most help with in your business? Photography Skills Editing Skills Branding/Logo Business Skills Advertising & Marketing Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. What type of products would you like to see more of? Magazine Templates Facebook Templates Articles for Marketing Pinterest Templates Logo Suites Blog Templates Products for Teaching Photography Holiday Greeting Cards Gift Certificates Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. Are you interested in having your photos featured in our sample templates? Yes. No. Question Title * 5. Please provide any feedback about our products or feel free to suggest a specific product that you'd like to see in our shop. (Please allow 24-48 hours to receive the coupon code to your e-mail inbox). Question Title * 6. Please provide your e-mail and we will send you a coupon code for $5 off your next purchase. Done