Page 1. Introduction

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Great!  You are participating in our experimental survey created for the Manchester Public Library Mystery Book Club: “Things I don’t want in MY crime fiction.” Perhaps it will help you to get clarity about the books you do not like (and therefore the books you DO like). Or, perhaps, if a large enough number of our members participate in the survey, it will help to guide our book nominating process in future years.

However, I'm not certain if either of those things can be realized, as it is often hard to know what is actually in a book unless it is read.  I know of no website that allows you to screen books for even 5 of the 74 things in our list. Moreover, we certainly do not scrutinize all of the books that are nominated to the group, reading through the books in advance checking for the 74 items, but I suppose it could be done. 

So regardless of the practical value, it may be best to think of this exercise as just a fun experiment.  Doing it online enhances the fun because this program can produce a colorful bar chart for the responses. We can see at a glance the items that are most offensive to the group.

This is an anonymous exercise; you are not asked for your name and cannot be identified. 

Of the 74 items that may appear in crime fiction books, ask yourself: "Is this something I would rather not have in the crime fiction books I might read?"  CLICK items if you do NOT want to read them in your mystery or thriller books.  LEAVE items unchecked if they are tolerable or do not bother you one way or another.

Do not worry if you end up with nothing checked, a few checked, or many checked. Just be honest to your feelings. 

Question Title

* Check if  the following statement is TRUE.