City of Norton Service Line Survey

Because of recent updates to drinking water regulations, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) is requiring each public water system to gather data on their customer's plumbing.  KDHE is requiring all water systems to identify each service line, including private home plumbing materials.

The following information is needed about your home's plumbing.
1.Service Address(Required.)
2.Customer Name(Required.)
3.Water Service Line (water line from the meter to the house) construction material
4.Water Service Line Size (example 3/4", 1", 2", etc.)
5.Year the Water Service Line was Installed
6.Building Type
7.Water softener, filter or other treatment (R.O. unit under sink, carbon, softener, etc.)
8.Home internal plumbing material (type of material that represents the majority of the pipe in the house)
9.Secondary internal plumbing material (the second most common type of pipe inside the house)
10.Year (range) internal plumbing was installed