Workshop Evaluation 2017

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* 1. I attended as a:

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* 2. If you have cancer/cancer survivor, what was your primary cancer diagnosis?

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* 3. Do you have metastatic/advanced cancer?

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* 4. How long has it been since you (or your loved one) was first diagnosed with cancer?

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* 5. Are you (your loved one) currently in active treatment?

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* 6. What kind of treatment are you receiving/have received in the past?

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* 7. Is/was clinical trials a potential treatment option for you (or your loved one)?

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* 8. Have you participated in a clinical trial?

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* 9. What is your race/ethnicity? (Check all that apply)

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* 10. How old are you

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* 11. Is this the first workshop for Gilda's Club you have participated in?

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* 12. Are you male or female?

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* 14. How knowledgeable were you about the clinical trials BEFORE this workshop?

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* 15. How knowledgeable were you about the clinical trials AFTER this workshop?

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* 16. Which aspects of the workshop did you find most valuable?

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* 17. Before this workshop I:

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
made treatment decisions in partnership with my (my loved ones health care team)
Asking my (my loved one's) doctor about potential clinical trials available to me.
Searched for more information about clinical trials
knew how clinical trials worked

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* 18. As a result of this workshop I feel more confident in:

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
making treatment decisions in partnership with my (my loved one's) healthcare team. 
Asking my (my loved one's) doctor about potential clinical trials available to me.
Searching for more information about clinical trials
knowing how clinical trials work

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* 19. when you were first diagnosed (or your loved one), how involved were you in choosing a specific course or type of treatment?

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* 20. when you were first diagnosed (or loved one) how many treatment options did the heatlhcare team present?

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* 21. Please select the statements that BEST describe why you (or loved one) chose the treatment you did:

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* 22. The social and emotional effects of cancer, and their impact on my life, have been adequately addressed by my healthcare team.

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* 23. I would recommend this workshop to others with cancer and their loved ones.

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* 24. General comments or suggestions about the workshop (i.e. are there other topics not covered in this workshop that you would be interested in, etc.):

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* 25. After this workshop, what unanswered questions do you have about clinical trials?

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* 26. Optional: Please provide your name and contact information if you would like to be contacted about Gilda's Club programming or events or if you would like to sign up for the Cancer Experience Registry (

Thank you for your feedback!