Submit a Class Note today!

Do you have a new job or have you recently been promoted? Have you completed a designation or another degree? Has your family grown? Tell us your news! We'd love to hear any stories that you would like to share with us. Submit a class note and keep your Rotman Commerce colleagues informed. Submit the form below and we'll put your note in an upcoming Rotman Commerce e-newsletter. It's a great way to update your contact information as well. 

Question Title

* 1. Profile Information:

Question Title

* 2. Class Announcement:

Question Title

* 3. Would you like to volunteer in our community?

  Yes No
Class Champion
Alumni Steering Committee
Alumni Mentorship Program (one-on-one mentorship with a 2nd or 3rd year student)
Alumni Coffee Break (one hour coffee chat with up to 6 students)
Meet with students at my place of work
Career Services (mock interviews, networking events, specialized industry programs)
Student Life/Student Groups (guest speaker, panelist, judge, consultant, board member)
Recruitment & Admissions (speak to prospective students)
We reserve the right to edit all submissions for accuracy, clarity, length and appropriateness. Phone numbers and addresses are not included in Class Notes unless specifically requested.

**Please note: Class Notes may turn up during a web search. Publicly available personal information may be collected for the purpose of updating alumni records as well as for the purpose of recognizing outstanding achievement or distinguished service by alumni. Inclusion of all Class Notes is at the discretion of the editor.