Dispatcher Survey

1.What is your gender?
2.What is your age?
3.Please indicate your years of service.
4.Which option best describes the staffing model of your primary organization?
5.Which option best describes your primary dispatching responsibility? (check all that apply)
6.Please provide the total staffing of your primary organization. (LE, Fire/EMS & Communications)
7.Please provide the jurisdiction of your primary agency.
8.Please rate your level of agreement with the following statement: I have an awareness and basic knowledge of behavioral health or emotional issues that can affect communications personnel.
9.Please rate your level of concern with communications personnel behavioral health or emotional issues.
10.Please rate your level of confidence with the following statement: My immediate supervisor or manager knows about behavioral health resources and how to access the resources I need.
11.Please rate your level of confidence with the following statement: I know about behavioral health resources and how to access resources when needed.
12.Please rate your level of agreement that you have had behavioral health or emotional issues related to on-the-job experiences, anxiety, or suicidality ideation.
13.Personally speaking, please list all signs/symptoms you have experienced that could be associated with behavioral health or emotional issues common among communications personnel. (mark all that apply)
14.Please provide an answer to the following statement: I personally know a coworker who has attempted suicide.
15.Please provide an answer to the following statement: I personally know a coworker who has completed suicide.
16.Have you or anyone on your shift / team / detail ever been through a Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) debriefing?
17.If yes, please rate your level of satisfaction with the debriefing.
18.If applicable, are you comfortable using your employer’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) or other peer support program?
19.Which resources relating to first responders/communications personnel behavioral health have you heard of? (check all that apply)
20.If applicable, are behavioral and emotional resources available for part-time communications personnel for your agency?
21.Are behavioral and emotional health resources available for family members?
22.If applicable, have you or your family ever utilized the behavioral or emotional health resources offered by your agency?
23.Which County/Counties do you serve with your primary agency?
County 1
County 2
Current Progress,
0 of 23 answered