Dispatcher Survey
What is your gender?
1) Female
2) Male
3) Prefer Not to Say
4) Prefer to Self Describe
What is your age?
1) Under 18
2) 18-24
3) 25-34
4) 35-44
5) 45-54
6) 55-64
7) 65+
Please indicate your years of service.
1) less than 1 year
2) 1-3 years
3) 3-5 years
4) 5-10 years
5) 10-15 years
6) 15-20 years
7) 20-25 years
8) 25-30 years
9) 30 years or more
Which option best describes the staffing model of your primary organization?
1) Career
2) Part Time
Which option best describes your primary dispatching responsibility? (check all that apply)
1) Law Enforcement
2) Fire / EMS
3) EMS only
4) Fire Only
Please provide the total staffing of your primary organization. (LE, Fire/EMS & Communications)
1) 1 to 29
2) 30 to 59
3) 60 to 99
4) 100 to 199
5) 200 or More
Please provide the jurisdiction of your primary agency.
1) Local
2) County
3) State
4) Federal
Please rate your level of agreement with the following statement: I have an awareness and basic knowledge of behavioral health or emotional issues that can affect communications personnel.
1) Strongly disagree
2) Disagree
3) Neither agree nor disagree
4) Agree
5) Strongly agree
Please rate your level of concern with communications personnel behavioral health or emotional issues.
1) Not at all concerned
2) Slightly concerned
3) Somewhat concerned
4) Moderately concerned
5) Extremely concerned
Please rate your level of confidence with the following statement: My immediate supervisor or manager knows about behavioral health resources and how to access the resources I need.
1) Not confident
2) Somewhat unconfident
3) Neither confident nor unconfident
4) Somewhat confident
5) Confident
Please rate your level of confidence with the following statement: I know about behavioral health resources and how to access resources when needed.
1) Strongly disagree
2) Disagree
3) Neither disagree not agree
4) Agree
5) Strongly agree
Please rate your level of agreement that you have had behavioral health or emotional issues related to on-the-job experiences, anxiety, or suicidality ideation.
1) Strongly disagree
2) Disagree
3) Neither disagree not agree
4) Agree
5) Strongly agree
6) None / I have not experienced any symptoms or emotional issues
Personally speaking, please list all signs/symptoms you have experienced that could be associated with behavioral health or emotional issues common among communications personnel. (mark all that apply)
1) Sleep disturbances
2) Depression
3) Unexplained anger
4) Substance abuse
5) Domestic Violence
6) Social withdrawal
7) Loneliness
8) High Risk Behavior
9) Other
Please specify
Please provide an answer to the following statement: I personally know a coworker who has attempted suicide.
1) No
2) Yes
Please provide an answer to the following statement: I personally know a coworker who has completed suicide.
1) No
2) Yes
Have you or anyone on your shift / team / detail ever been through a Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) debriefing?
1) No
2) Yes
If yes, please rate your level of satisfaction with the debriefing.
1) Very dissatisfied
2) Dissatisfied
3) Neither dissatisfied nor satisfied
4) Satisfied
5) Very satisfied
If applicable, are you comfortable using your employer’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) or other peer support program?
1) No
2) Yes
3) Not Applicable
Which resources relating to first responders/communications personnel behavioral health have you heard of? (check all that apply)
2) The Bridge
3) Critical Incident Response Service (CIRS)
4) Local Addiction & Mental Health Boards
5) Local Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) teams
If applicable, are behavioral and emotional resources available for part-time communications personnel for your agency?
1) No
2) Yes
3) Unknown
Are behavioral and emotional health resources available for family members?
1) No
2) Yes
3) Unknown
If applicable, have you or your family ever utilized the behavioral or emotional health resources offered by your agency?
1) No
2) Yes
Which County/Counties do you serve with your primary agency?
County 1
County 2
-- Select an option --
1 - Adams
2 - Allen
3 - Ashland
4 - Ashtabula
5 - Athens
6 - Auglaize
7 - Belmont
8 - Brown
9 - Butler
10 - Carroll
11 - Champaign
12 - Clark
13 - Clermont
14 - Clinton
15 - Columbiana
16 - Coshocton
17 - Crawford
18 - Cuyahoga
19 - Darke
20 - Defiance
21 - Delaware
22 - Erie
23 - Fairfield
24 - Fayette
25 - Franklin
26 - Fulton
27 - Gallia
28 - Geauga
29 - Greene
30 - Guernsey
31 - Hamilton
32 - Hancock
33 - Hardin
34 - Harrison
35 - Henry
36 - Highland
37 - Hocking
38 - Holmes
39 - Huron
40 - Jackson
41 - Jefferson
42 - Knox
43 - Lake
44 - Lawrence
45 - Licking
46 - Logan
47 - Lorain
48 - Lucas
49 - Madison
50 - Mahoning
51 - Marion
52 - Medina
53 - Meigs
54 - Mercer
55 - Miami
56 - Monroe
57 - Montgomery
58 - Morgan
59 - Morrow
60 - Muskingum
61 - Noble
62 - Ottawa
63 - Paulding
64 - Perry
65 - Pickaway
66 - Pike
67 - Portage
68 - Preble
69 – Putnam
70 - Richland
71 - Ross
72 - Sandusky
73 - Scioto
74 - Seneca
75 - Shelby
76 - Stark
77 - Summit
78 - Trumbull
79 - Tuscarawas
80 - Union
81 - Van Wert
82 - Vinton
83 - Warren
84 - Washington
85 - Wayne
86 - Williams
87 - Wood
88 - Wyandot
-- Select an option --
1 - Adams
2 - Allen
3 - Ashland
4 - Ashtabula
5 - Athens
6 - Auglaize
7 - Belmont
8 - Brown
9 - Butler
10 - Carroll
11 - Champaign
12 - Clark
13 - Clermont
14 - Clinton
15 - Columbiana
16 - Coshocton
17 - Crawford
18 - Cuyahoga
19 - Darke
20 - Defiance
21 - Delaware
22 - Erie
23 - Fairfield
24 - Fayette
25 - Franklin
26 - Fulton
27 - Gallia
28 - Geauga
29 - Greene
30 - Guernsey
31 - Hamilton
32 - Hancock
33 - Hardin
34 - Harrison
35 - Henry
36 - Highland
37 - Hocking
38 - Holmes
39 - Huron
40 - Jackson
41 - Jefferson
42 - Knox
43 - Lake
44 - Lawrence
45 - Licking
46 - Logan
47 - Lorain
48 - Lucas
49 - Madison
50 - Mahoning
51 - Marion
52 - Medina
53 - Meigs
54 - Mercer
55 - Miami
56 - Monroe
57 - Montgomery
58 - Morgan
59 - Morrow
60 - Muskingum
61 - Noble
62 - Ottawa
63 - Paulding
64 - Perry
65 - Pickaway
66 - Pike
67 - Portage
68 - Preble
69 – Putnam
70 - Richland
71 - Ross
72 - Sandusky
73 - Scioto
74 - Seneca
75 - Shelby
76 - Stark
77 - Summit
78 - Trumbull
79 - Tuscarawas
80 - Union
81 - Van Wert
82 - Vinton
83 - Warren
84 - Washington
85 - Wayne
86 - Williams
87 - Wood
88 - Wyandot
89 - N/A
Current Progress,
0 of 23 answered