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Housing – it affects your  health, financial situation and even your commutes to work and school. The City of Irving needs your help to develop a plan that will provide a 20-year roadmap to help guide its actions that affect the availability, affordability and quality of housing. The roadmap will help inform decisions about the city’s housing assistance programs, planning and zoning, investments into parks, libraries, streets and water systems, as well as other budget items.
Please provide your feedback in the survey below.
Notes: This survey uses the term “affordable housing” to mean a housing unit where the required rental or mortgage payment is no more than 30% of a household’s monthly income. In the City of Irving, the median annual household income is $64,868.

This survey also uses the term "working class" to refer to households that earn less than 80% of the city's median annual household income of $64,868, meaning that these "working class" households earn less than $51,894 per year.

The Smith family's annual household income is $64,868 per year. They should spend no more than 30% of their annual income on housing and related expenses: principal, interest, property taxes and insurance.
  • What is the maximum amount the household should spend per year on housing expenses?
    • $64,868 x 30% (.3) = $19,460 per year on housing and related expenses.
  • What is the maximum amount the household should spend per month on housing expenses?
    • $19,460 / 12 = $1,621 per month on housing and related expenses.

Question Title

* 1. Which of the following apply to you? (Check all that apply)

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* 2. Do you own or rent your home?

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* 4. Do you spend more than 30% of your monthly income on housing expenses?

Question Title

* 5. If you could choose which types of housing you would like to see developed in the City of Irving, which ones would you choose? (Choose all that apply)

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* 6. If you could choose which types of neighborhoods you would like to see developed in the City of Irving, which ones would you choose? (Choose all that apply)

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* 7. I think finding affordable housing is a problem in the City of Irving.

Question Title

* 8. The City of Irving should focus on developing and preserving  affordable housing for:

  Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree
Larger/multi-generational families
Single persons
Families with school-aged children
Working class households (e.g. hospitality workers, retail workers)
Persons with disabilities
Persons with housing vouchers 
Persons transitioning out of homelessness

Question Title

* 9. The City of Irving should prioritize the development of affordable housing, including single-family homes, townhomes and apartments, near:

  Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree
High-frequency public transportation
Neighborhood commercial centers
High performing schools
Amenities such as grocery stores, libraries, and recreation centers
Employment centers

Question Title

* 10. The City of Irving should provide financial assistance to:

  Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree
Help working class homebuyers purchase market-rate homes.
Help working class homeowners make repairs to their homes to address code compliance and/or weatherization issues.
Encourage single-family landlords to make repairs to their rental properties to address code compliance and/or weatherization issues.
Encourage owners of aging apartment complexes to make repairs to their properties to address code compliance and/or weatherization issues.
Incentivize developers to build high-quality rental housing where some units are leased at below-market rents to working class households.
Incentivize homebuilders to build high-quality for-sale housing where some homes are sold to working class homebuyers.

Question Title

* 11. If a developer of a high-quality housing project agrees to lease or sell some units to working class households, the City of Irving should:

  Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree
Allow the developer to build more housing units or build an additional story taller than their zoning allows
Reduce the developer's long-term operating costs by providing a property tax abatement
Fast-track the permitting process
Waive certain city-assessed fees 
Sell or lease public land at a below-market price
Provide gap financing 

Question Title

* 12. The City of Irving should help fund the development and preservation of affordable housing with:

  Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree
Federal funding (CDBG, HOME, ESG)
City funds
Tax Increment Finance funds

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* 13. Please enter any additional comments.

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* 14. Would you like to receive additional information from the City of Irving regarding the Housing Plan? If so, please enter your contact information.