YWCA Growth Feedback

The YWCA Board of Directors and Management Team are working on our 5 year growth plan. This plan initially included renovating our current facility and expanding child care services into the annex. However, we have received such overwhelming support from community donors, they have requested that we investigate building a new facility. We are seeking parent testimonials that tell how the YWCA has helped you and your family and what the YWCA means to you. This feedback will help us tell the stories of our families and secure funding for their needs.

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* 1. We would love to hear what you have to say about the YWCA and what it has done for you and your family. Please leave your feedback here:

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* 2. If you don't mind us using your name, please leave it here:

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* 3. If you don't mind us using your child's name, please leave it here:

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* 4. If you don't want us to use your name at all, please let us know by stating that here!