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* 1. How concerned are you about speeding on Smith Avenue between Seven Mile Lane and Greenspring Avenue?

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* 2. How concerned are you about the WALK/DONT WALK pedestrian-crossing signal at Sanzo Road not being usable on shabbos by those who are shomer shabbos?

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* 3. How concerned are you about speeding on the streets near Smith Avenue?

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* 4. Would you be in favor of more crosswalks along Smith Avenue?

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* 5. Would you be in favor of bike lanes along Smith Avenue?

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* 6. Would you be in favor of speed humps on any of the streets in your Smith Avenue neighborhood?

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* 7. How concerned are you about trees or shrubbery blocking visibility at intersections or your ability to use sidewalks safely?

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* 8. Are there any places you walk in the neighborhood where sidewalks or intersections are impassable for wheelchairs or strollers due to traffic signals or signs, utility poles, etc.?

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* 9. How concerned are you about a lack of adequate street lighting in the neighborhood?

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* 10. Please tell us about any other traffic and pedestrian concerns you may have and where they are located in the neighborhood; and, so that we may follow up with you, your contact information and whether you plan to attend the important meeting at the State Highway Administration on November 6.  PGCC respects your privacy and will not disclose your answers or contact information to anyone, only the aggregated results of this survey.  Thank you for your input and participation!