We want to hear from you!

The KYYMCA is working very hard to determine what an LTC alternative will look like. We have hosted student focus groups to get ideas and will continue to include student input. We would love for you to help us decide what that will be by completing the following survey that will only take a few minutes. Thank you!

Question Title

* 1. What is important to you when taking part in a virtual program? Please rank the following items from MOST IMPORTANT to LEAST IMPORTANT.

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* 2. Of the selections below, which option would you be MOST likely to take part in?

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* 3. Of the selections below, which option would you be SECOND MOST likely to take part in?

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* 4. Please select all of the following TYPES of activities that you would like to take part in virtually this summer.

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* 5. In your opinion, what is the IDEAL time to spend taking part in a virtual program during one sitting?

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* 6. In your opinion, what is the IDEAL frequency of virtual programming opportunities? 

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* 7. Would you like programming that is done individually at home or programming that takes place in a virtual group setting?

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* 8. Is there a time of day that works best for you to take part in virtual programming? Please select all that apply.

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* 9. Is there anything else you would like the Kentucky YMCA staff to know as we plan new virtual programming opportunities?