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Section 1 - Please tell us about yourself
We want to know who you are. We are a community church and we also want to know what the wider community is thinking and feeling about our church. To get the broadest possible feedback, we are looking not just inward to our members and associates but outward to the greater community. We want to learn from all of you and discover what our impact could and should be on the community. There are no wrong answers in this survey, giving the most candid responses will offer the mission study team the best insights.

Question Title

* 1. At Piedmont Community Church, I am

Question Title

* 2. I have been a member of Piedmont Community Church

Question Title

* 3. I have children:

Question Title

* 4. I am

Question Title

* 5. What draws you to Piedmont Church community
(check all that apply)

Question Title

* 6. What is your zip code

Question Title

* 7. I feel I could have a close relationship with Piedmont Church

Question Title

* 8. What makes you feel this way?

Question Title

* 9. If you could make one change at Piedmont Community Church, what would it be?

Section 2 - How you see Piedmont Community Church now and in the future

Question Title

* 10. The church is inclusive and welcoming to people of all backgrounds

Question Title

* 11. The church is a supportive community of believers

Question Title

* 12. Piedmont Church fellowship programs are an important part of what attracts me to the church

Question Title

* 13. I am being served by Piedmont Church’s current fellowship programs

Question Title

* 14. Please describe what type of fellowship programs you would like to have available.

Question Title

* 15. Piedmont Church is attractive to members of the broader community

Question Title

* 16. Describe those programs which are attractive to the broader community

Question Title

* 17. How would you characterize Piedmont Community Church to a friend?

Section 3 - Spiritual Health

Question Title

* 18. Do you, or would you, attend church mainly to
(please prioritize)

Question Title

* 19. Is the resurrection (check all that apply)

Question Title

* 20. Is the Bible (check all that apply)

Question Title

* 21. I believe Jesus is (check all that apply)

Question Title

* 22. I believe God loves all people regardless of their beliefs

Question Title

* 23. My relationship with God is enhanced by the worship services

Question Title

* 24. What particularly makes you feel this

Question Title

* 25. Sermons should be biblically based

Question Title

* 26. Sermons should address current events in and beyond the community

Question Title

* 27. Should a pastor ever advocate for a certain position or opinion?

Question Title

* 28. Sermons should be from the personal perspective of their person preaching

Question Title

* 29. The Senior Pastor and the church should teach about all Christian concepts

Question Title

* 30. Piedmont Church should be open to personal interpretations of these teachings

Section 4 - Leadership at Piedmont Community Church

Question Title

* 31. Give up to 5 words other than minister and pastor to describe your ideal person to lead the ministry at Piedmont Community Church

Question Title

* 32. Please prioritize the following skill sets needed in a pastor

Question Title

* 33. The Senior Pastor should be an active visible leader in community programs beyond our church

Question Title

* 34. The Senior Pastor should be active visible leader in church fellowship programs

Question Title

* 35. I feel that the Senior Pastor should be very approachable

Question Title

* 36. Please define approachable and what makes a pastor approachable.

Question Title

* 37. I want to feel comfortable sharing my spiritual needs with the pastor

Question Title

* 38. The Senior Pastor should be a teacher

Section 5 - Piedmont Community Church and the community

Question Title

* 39. For non-attendees or occasional attendees
I want a closer relationship with a church community

Question Title

* 40. What would encourage you to become more involved with a church?

Question Title

* 41. For virtual attendees
I prefer to attend worship virtually

Question Title

* 42. What would encourage you to join worship in person?

Question Title

* 43. For frequent attendees / members
Piedmont Church is attracting people to participate people in church activities

Question Title

* 44. What could Piedmont Church be doing differently to attract new people?

Question Title

* 45. For former members/attendees of Piedmont Community Church
I stopped attending Piedmont Community Church because

Question Title

* 46. Please tell us what made you feel this way and what may make you inclined to come back to Piedmont Community Church

Question Title

* 47. I feel I can call on Piedmont Church for help and guidance.

Question Title

* 48. Piedmont Church’s programs are attractive to families with children of all ages

Question Title

* 49. What could Piedmont Community Church be doing to attract families?

Question Title

* 50. I feel Piedmont Church is making an impact to help people in my community and around the world

Question Title

* 51. I feel Piedmont Church could or should have an impact in the community in the following areas (please prioritize)

Question Title

* 52. Piedmont Church offers assistance and ministry to people struggling in our community

Question Title

* 53. Piedmont Church engages with the broader world in support of social justice

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* 54. What should Piedmont Church do to serve its mission to the broader community?

Question Title

* 55. Piedmont Church offers adequate mission opportunities for people to serve

Question Title

* 56. I have gifts and talents that are not being used for mission outreach that I would like to pursue

Question Title

* 57. I would invite others from outside church membership to participate in mission projects

Question Title

* 58. What would encourage you to ask them?

Question Title

* 59. Optional - May we contact you to discuss your responses?

Thank you for completing this survey. It will be invaluable to the Mission Study Team and the Pastor Nominating Committee in their endeavors.

Be sure to click DONE to submit your answers.

If you have further thoughts you would like to share with us, please contact us at or go to the Mission Study webpage at  under 'Afterthoughts'.

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